Change – a Continuum

Water-Motion-170578 I realize to really live Life I cannot ‘want’ or ‘expect’ anything.

Good days change with challenging days, ups with downs. There are no ups without downs.

But I can strive for my decisions and actions being consistently driven by love and benevolence, with no hidden agenda. I can serve my purpose and achieve my goals with sincere focus, no matter what. I am in charge, I decide on the activities to take. This insight is empowering and gives me comfort.

Breathing, observing; changing, flowing. Flowing with the flow, continuously.
Becoming, being the flow – naturally.

Living Life – A Practice


Calling. Breathing.  Entering a state of just Being.  Pure awareness.

Time stands still, and yet, everything flows.

Floating along changes. Phenomena, images and thoughts float by and disintegrate.  I take notice without being engaged. I am flowing with the flow of life.  Life is change, change is opportunity.  Flowing along change.

In this state everything is already done; nothing more is needed.  This state is full of brightness and love.  It is a very natural state, because our nature is Love.

Thank you, Master Johwa.

Acting myself – more than an Oscar-worthy performance


Around the time of the Oscars I realized that I actually spend a considerable amount of time acting instead of living my life.  I constantly try to meet expectations and to be what, I think, is expected of me in my role as a senior manager aspiring to the executive level.

However, if I am not acting as my real self, I feel like a fake and like I am just being an actor in a role. I feel like I am pretending to be something or somebody, which has nothing to do with me. If I am not aware of who I really am, I am apart of myself and I am not really alive.  In turn, if I keep my awareness about my real self, I feel good about myself, I feel at home and at peace with being me. This is when I am thoughtful and make the better decisions.

After reading chapter 7 of ‘Harmony Meditation’ by JoHwa Choi, however, I realized that there is another perspective though that I had not considered yet. By keeping the awareness about myself, I can fill this role or any role without acting it! Any role becomes just another facet of myself and one of many ‘mes’ that comprises the real me. If I act my true nature having true love in my heart I can be all these without being a fake.

My teacher pointed out that I tend to aiming too low. I can see now how I am limiting myself and others through this behavior. To aim higher, I no longer need to act, I can be the real me in any role – so it is no longer a role.

These many ‘mes’ then become reflections of my real self, and I keep switching  between them during my life’s journey as I adapt to change, letting me come closer to my goal and becoming my Self.


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