Life Saving Priorities

Changing my life begins with changing my priorities. Changing my life begins with changing myself. Repeatedly. All over again.

Saving my Life begins with changing my life. Living Life is finding Life, finding my Self yet again.

Changing myself begins with getting my priorities straight.

Once again. All over. It’s time!

Excuses? Excuse me!


Once again. All over. It’s Time!

Will do. Breaking free from behind myself. Giving it up.  Finding you who is me, alltogether Life. You, holding the mirror.

Once again. All over again. Timing!

Living Love. Once again. All over again.

Savor “Who am I?” and its power’. 

Changing, Saving, Living.    Life, Definitely! Timing!

New Year – All those Years: A Beginning


All those years.

More than half my life.  So many years.  To Silver anniversary. Not quite, one day shy of: Letting go.

Years of being together  –  years of drifting: Apart.

Years of being an item. Sharing. Memories, laughter and tears.

Years of an, oh, so precious path taken together, yet arriving at different crossroads, still.

Years to encounter my Self being you Self.  

Years of becoming One truly through separating.

Elevating the experience of all those Years together by respecting the unifying power of letting-go.

Years to arrive at the Truth with conviction for taking the next step together apart.

Such treasure.  Life truly. Finally. Love.

32 Years.


Busy Bee bring peace to me and you

Listen to the ticking of the clock.  The time is ticking.  There’s much to be done: some things here, some things there, and some things around and about.  Busy hands, busy body, and busy clock…

Mind goes hum and soothing hum hums my mind.  Hummmmmm…

Hum sweet melody and keep this peace for me.  I will share it and spread it like a busy bee.

Breathing Heart

Dearest friend,

Just breathe.

Leave them behind, your emotions.  If you give way to your emotions, you cannot observe without bias and be truly aware of this moment that we share so dearly. Recognize how they limit and possess you, where they could enrich your life instead.

Breathe consciously and step aside to see clearly and be, who you are – Pure Love – infinitely big!

If you do not judge, you will not be judged. Love does not judge, it just flows. Continuously, unconditionally. From you, all around you and back to you.

Yes, my dear friend in the mirror, keep breathing. Love will flow from your heart and free your mind.

Change – a Continuum

Water-Motion-170578 I realize to really live Life I cannot ‘want’ or ‘expect’ anything.

Good days change with challenging days, ups with downs. There are no ups without downs.

But I can strive for my decisions and actions being consistently driven by love and benevolence, with no hidden agenda. I can serve my purpose and achieve my goals with sincere focus, no matter what. I am in charge, I decide on the activities to take. This insight is empowering and gives me comfort.

Breathing, observing; changing, flowing. Flowing with the flow, continuously.
Becoming, being the flow – naturally.

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