Life Saving Priorities

Changing my life begins with changing my priorities. Changing my life begins with changing myself. Repeatedly. All over again.

Saving my Life begins with changing my life. Living Life is finding Life, finding my Self yet again.

Changing myself begins with getting my priorities straight.

Once again. All over. It’s time!

Excuses? Excuse me!


Once again. All over. It’s Time!

Will do. Breaking free from behind myself. Giving it up.  Finding you who is me, alltogether Life. You, holding the mirror.

Once again. All over again. Timing!

Living Love. Once again. All over again.

Savor “Who am I?” and its power’. 

Changing, Saving, Living.    Life, Definitely! Timing!

Busy Bee bring peace to me and you

Listen to the ticking of the clock.  The time is ticking.  There’s much to be done: some things here, some things there, and some things around and about.  Busy hands, busy body, and busy clock…

Mind goes hum and soothing hum hums my mind.  Hummmmmm…

Hum sweet melody and keep this peace for me.  I will share it and spread it like a busy bee.

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