Life Saving Priorities

Changing my life begins with changing my priorities. Changing my life begins with changing myself. Repeatedly. All over again.

Saving my Life begins with changing my life. Living Life is finding Life, finding my Self yet again.

Changing myself begins with getting my priorities straight.

Once again. All over. It’s time!

Excuses? Excuse me!


Once again. All over. It’s Time!

Will do. Breaking free from behind myself. Giving it up.  Finding you who is me, alltogether Life. You, holding the mirror.

Once again. All over again. Timing!

Living Love. Once again. All over again.

Savor “Who am I?” and its power’. 

Changing, Saving, Living.    Life, Definitely! Timing!

New Year – All those Years: A Beginning


All those years.

More than half my life.  So many years.  To Silver anniversary. Not quite, one day shy of: Letting go.

Years of being together  –  years of drifting: Apart.

Years of being an item. Sharing. Memories, laughter and tears.

Years of an, oh, so precious path taken together, yet arriving at different crossroads, still.

Years to encounter my Self being you Self.  

Years of becoming One truly through separating.

Elevating the experience of all those Years together by respecting the unifying power of letting-go.

Years to arrive at the Truth with conviction for taking the next step together apart.

Such treasure.  Life truly. Finally. Love.

32 Years.


Impostor of Love

“Your body language shapes who you are” – said Amy Cuddy in her TED talk. We are more used to thinking that our body language is a manifestation of who we are, not the other way around. The authors of the controlled experiment inferred that by changing the posture for only 2 minutes they were able to observe significant changes in body chemistry. In the power pose group the average cortisol level (stress hormone) decreased by 25 percent and the average testosterone level increased by 19% from the baseline.

What impressed me most is duration of poses: in only 2 minutes the body responded to  postures. My teacher Grand-Master Johwa Choi always said that human body is very honest, it does not lie. You could train your mind by training your body, and the other way around. Then the question is: what value do I want to internalize and project the most? For some people or situations, it may be power, and doing the power poses as suggested in the talk might help. For others, it may be love, freedom, and hope.

Practitioners of meditation have long known of the self-persuasion process. Our feelings are subjective because they are judged by us, the very same object that is feeling them. Feeling love or not feeling love is not a yes/no type of measurement, and over time practitioners can recognize purity, vastness, and subtlety of their own feelings. It is quite possible to feel tired and uplifted at the same time, painful and joyful, sad and hopeful.

I choose to focus on expanding my love, even if I am not feeling it at the moment toward a person or toward myself. Sometimes it is so tiny, I have to send in a SWAT team to make it show itself. The subject of love can be anything, the bigger the better – humanity or even the whole Universe. Love keeps growing with constant care, attention, and practice, until one day it will become 100% love all the time, everlasting and overflowing.  I live for that day.

Dr. Cuddy’s main message was: “Fake it until you become it.” My teacher’s message in the ZEN method workshop is:

“Breathe love until it flows out of your eyes and ears.”

What kind of love? Not the relative love, but the absolute MuAh-centered love. Enjoy your  love!

Love is Growing Here




Feel your heart beat,

notice your breathe,

see with your eyes wide open.

Love is Growing Here

Hear the children’s frustrated cries,

let go of the notion that you know everything.

Feel the Love Growing There

Sense the pressure of strained responsibilities,

hopeful dreams of cleansed impurities,

bring yourself to yourself and embrace in noisy peace.

Create the Love That Grows Everywhere


What Your Hands Deserve


Take a good look at your hands.  After all, where would you be without them?  What would you wish for in place of them?  They are there and yours to do with what you wish.  Could you imagine a better tool at your disposal?

Now that you remember how precious they are, let us continue to revive our appreciation for them.  Wiggle each finger independently of one another for a minute.  Notice the bones and joints and how they all function together.  Then, open your palms wide and stretch your fingers out and apart for a short time.  Afterward, let your hands rest and relax.  Say, “Thank you!” to them and give them a long deserved break.

Now that your hands rest, what will you do and for how long will you allow yourself to do that?

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