Navigating Troubled Waters – Buddha’s Fun

Listening to ‘Buddha’s Fun’.

Surrendering to the voice, surrendering to the message, surrendering to breathing. Opening. Being open.

Connecting. With my center, with myself.

Listening. Feeling – experiencing – breathing. Myself.

Feeling the pain inflicted by me.  In me, around me and back to myself.

white water

Seeing clearly, recognizing mySelf.

Taking responsibility.  Changing!


Experiencing and accepting the challenges, desires and overwhelming emotions that still obliterate my awareness for convenient excuses.

What precious chance for leaving my comfort zone. What precious opportunity for learning to be in synchrony with the flow of Life!  MySelf.

White water seems turbulent, yet it does submit to the flow, undeterred.

The next big wave is coming…..Ready?

Listening to ‘Buddha’s Fun’.

Listening, meditating, experiencing, breathing.  Getting ready!

Change – a Continuum

Water-Motion-170578 I realize to really live Life I cannot ‘want’ or ‘expect’ anything.

Good days change with challenging days, ups with downs. There are no ups without downs.

But I can strive for my decisions and actions being consistently driven by love and benevolence, with no hidden agenda. I can serve my purpose and achieve my goals with sincere focus, no matter what. I am in charge, I decide on the activities to take. This insight is empowering and gives me comfort.

Breathing, observing; changing, flowing. Flowing with the flow, continuously.
Becoming, being the flow – naturally.

Living Life – A Practice


Calling. Breathing.  Entering a state of just Being.  Pure awareness.

Time stands still, and yet, everything flows.

Floating along changes. Phenomena, images and thoughts float by and disintegrate.  I take notice without being engaged. I am flowing with the flow of life.  Life is change, change is opportunity.  Flowing along change.

In this state everything is already done; nothing more is needed.  This state is full of brightness and love.  It is a very natural state, because our nature is Love.

Thank you, Master Johwa.

Acting myself – more than an Oscar-worthy performance


Around the time of the Oscars I realized that I actually spend a considerable amount of time acting instead of living my life.  I constantly try to meet expectations and to be what, I think, is expected of me in my role as a senior manager aspiring to the executive level.

However, if I am not acting as my real self, I feel like a fake and like I am just being an actor in a role. I feel like I am pretending to be something or somebody, which has nothing to do with me. If I am not aware of who I really am, I am apart of myself and I am not really alive.  In turn, if I keep my awareness about my real self, I feel good about myself, I feel at home and at peace with being me. This is when I am thoughtful and make the better decisions.

After reading chapter 7 of ‘Harmony Meditation’ by JoHwa Choi, however, I realized that there is another perspective though that I had not considered yet. By keeping the awareness about myself, I can fill this role or any role without acting it! Any role becomes just another facet of myself and one of many ‘mes’ that comprises the real me. If I act my true nature having true love in my heart I can be all these without being a fake.

My teacher pointed out that I tend to aiming too low. I can see now how I am limiting myself and others through this behavior. To aim higher, I no longer need to act, I can be the real me in any role – so it is no longer a role.

These many ‘mes’ then become reflections of my real self, and I keep switching  between them during my life’s journey as I adapt to change, letting me come closer to my goal and becoming my Self.


What Your Hands Deserve


Take a good look at your hands.  After all, where would you be without them?  What would you wish for in place of them?  They are there and yours to do with what you wish.  Could you imagine a better tool at your disposal?

Now that you remember how precious they are, let us continue to revive our appreciation for them.  Wiggle each finger independently of one another for a minute.  Notice the bones and joints and how they all function together.  Then, open your palms wide and stretch your fingers out and apart for a short time.  Afterward, let your hands rest and relax.  Say, “Thank you!” to them and give them a long deserved break.

Now that your hands rest, what will you do and for how long will you allow yourself to do that?

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