
We take you home hand in hand,

Sisters, your home has now expanded.

The days are long but the years are short,

We are simply thankful for all of our support.

The lifelong talks you will have together,

Simply put, no matter the weather.

Beach days, rainy days, snowy days ahead,

The feelings you feel are here for me to stead.

There’s nothing more important to me,

Than for me to set you free.

And although I’m a farmer,

You’re my most important crop to grow.

I likely won’t be your last love

But your first I may be so.

Love dada


Growing up doing drum lessons I had good teachers. They taught me rhythms and rudiments. The foundation of a drummer is his order of sticking. You learn the basics by playing on one drum – the snare drum. This is the military sounding drum with the white head. It makes the distinct sound because of metal rattles on the under side of the drum. So, one example is a ‘paradiddle’ where you play right-left-right-right-left-right-left-left.

Of course, a drummer feels and keeps the rhythm for the rest of the band. It seems simple but it is in fact the hardest part of playing the drums. You think you’re keeping a steady beat, meanwhile that sometimes is just your own perspective. Listen to a recording and it often slows down or speeds up many times through the song. It’s almost like how we experience time at a different pace, a drummer will assume a steady beat even though the audience hears up and down. This is where practice with a metronome comes in.

Believe it or not, apart from simply speeding up or slowing down you can also be on the WRONG side of the beat. A millisecond ahead of the band or a millisecond behind the band and it makes a completely different feel. If you’re a split second ahead it feels like you’re ‘pulling’ the band forward. “Relax Will” they would sometimes say. “It feels like you’re pulling the band forward. Try to relax and be on the back end of the beat”.

It seemed so strange for me as a drummer to be on the ‘back’ end of the beat. Aren’t I supposed to be LEADING the band? To be on the back end seems like I’m following, when I should be the leader in charge of the beat.

Sit back.


Don’t try to create the beat – enjoy it. 

Receive it as it comes – for it is a much more relaxing ride.

The Sail

The sailor searches for land

It’s a big dark sea with unknown tides

He strains with a lasting demand

As the wind dies he wishes he had the proper guides.

His mind strains for a way out

Think thoughts harder than ever before

He looks into the distance to shout

You failed to get me ever more.

A mermaid hears and comes to say

“The way out is not what you are thinking

You can think for the wind to get your way

But the truth cannot change with your straining.

Your strength lies in seeing your fate

And accepting the truth that is there

So ponder your predicament as a gate

Go down to your heart to make you aware.”

The sailor hears what she had to say

Upset that the answer was not clear  

He will do his best not to stray

Looking to his heart to see the answer there:

He needs bigger sails to catch the breeze

All of his straining and thinking

And the bigger sails found inside the ship he now sees.

Lightness & Heaviness

Lightness and heaviness

A dad has levels of touch

Strong dad as heavy as a bull 

Gentle dad as light as a kitten

To know when to use each

Is a lesson to learn.

The heart shows the level

To be careful around the little

Life that depends on dad.

There’s a time for each.

Changing the diaper

Moving the couch

Does not require the same touch.

The physical force may vary

But the power does not differ. 

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