
We take you home hand in hand,
Sisters, your home has now expanded.
The days are long but the years are short,
We are simply thankful for all of our support.
The lifelong talks you will have together,
Simply put, no matter the weather.
Beach days, rainy days, snowy days ahead,
The feelings you feel are here for me to stead.
There’s nothing more important to me,
Than for me to set you free.
And although I’m a farmer,
You’re my most important crop to grow.
I likely won’t be your last love
But your first I may be so.
Love dada
How many MEs do we have? For sure more than one. In my case, those MEs do not always coexist very well, creating tension and stress, this constant necessity to choose which ME should be embraced at the time. Logical ME, emotional ME, sensual ME, habitual ME, the list goes on.
How do you achieve peace? Do you decide which ME is worth keeping and which one should be gotten rid of or suppressed? You really cannot get rid of anything. It’s a simple law of conservation of energy, it cannot be destroyed, it cannot be created, it only changes from one form to another. And then this AHA moment, and it is so obvious, so clear (it is really amazing that it took so long to come to this) – those MEs are supposed to blend into one ME, energy easily flowing between them. That whole ME is greater than the sum of all of them. The challenge is, of course, to be able to do that (and have fun with it!). For now, at least, there is an awareness.