Why should we care about enlightenment? Ever looked into #Maslows hierarchy of needs? Maslow, as noted by Wikipedia, studied remarkable people like Albert Einstein, Eleanor Roosevelt, and Baruch Spinoza, believing that focusing only on those with mental health issues could give us a skewed view of psychology.
To truly progress, we need to understand both sides.
#Meditation, for example, isn’t just about short-term calmness and focus—it’s meant to guide us toward #enlightenment and lasting fulfillment. If you only use meditation for temporary relief, it’s like having a space shuttle but only using it for mundane tasks like grocery runs or deliveries, missing out on its full potential.
Why should we care about enlightenment?
I can’t emphasize the benefits enough. For example, it guides us through life’s complexities and shields us from our own vulnerabilities.
Also, don’t you want to become a person of true ability? Meditate with the right purpose.
#harmonymeditation, #harmony, #burnout
Why should we care about enlightenment?
